Ankara Metropolitan Project - 218K368

Şema Eng-1


In this scale, inter-settlement relations in Ankara metropolitan areas are analyzed. The aim is to discuss the urban planning and design principles that are essential to reach high quality, active and public health supportive, livable environments; and to analyze the relationship between socio-economic characteristics and built environment qualifications to sustain urban health.

In terms of city and regional planning and urban design principles, street network layout and connections of the built environment;

  • land use types,
  • accessibility of urban services,
  • green areas and types,
  • housing density,
  • occupancy/vacancy rates in the built environment,
  • building heights and distance between buildings, characteristics of walking areas (pavement, quality of pedestrian roads, presence of trees etc.) appear to be important for this aim.

When evaluated in terms of public health, body mass index, mental health and well-being come to the fore within the scope of physical activity and social relations in urban environments. Besides, the right to access to a healthy urban life, equal access to urban services, ensuring public participation in urban life, supporting and initiating healthy behavior across individuals, facilitating inter-sectoral relationships are counted among the highlights of the study that can influence urban health public policies.

In this scale, the diversity and density of land use, the existence and size of green areas, the spatial distribution of urban services and their equal accessibility opportunities, the morphological and topological characteristics of road networks (connectivity, proximity, in- betweenness) in the settled areas covering the central districts of Ankara, in relation to active living, mental health, and well-being are examined. Thus, by examining these indicators within the central districts of Ankara, the past/current spatial, social, economic, demographic characteristics and accessibility levels of cities in terms of urban development and public health,our goal is to specify the components of urban health. As a result, a framework approach will be put forward to overcome public health problems by discussing the principles of healthy city planning and design of living environments (built environment and infrastructure) in Ankara.



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